Foreign & Industry Collabration

Foreign & Industry Collabration


Sl.No Industry Date Purpose
1 Apollo Adlux Hospital 10/06/2024 Health privileges to the students, employees, and dependents
2 Apttitech, placement and training, Tripunithura 01/02/2024 To conduct placement training program
3 Christ nagar spiritual trust (Fiat mission), Avemaria tower, New church road, Thrissur 14/06/2024 To give away the paper waste generated
4 Fortune institute of technology 19/01/2024 For the conduct of main project
5 Holy Family School, Angamaly 14/02/2024 a. Joint research activities and publications
b. Students Training programmes
c. Activities for the overall development of students
6 Manvish info solutions Pvt. Ltd. 03/01/2024 • To conduct training on the course on Tally
• To depute qualified faculties on the committed days and ensure delivery of quality training.
7 Nature O’Tech ventures 22/03/2024 To establish a collaborative marketing initiative by BBA students
8 Sunspire institute of management and technology (SiMAT), Karukutty 24/06/2024 To provide training sessions
9 Rajagiri College of Management Studies and Applied Sciences, Kakkanadu 26/03/2024 • Exchange of Faculty
• Exchange of students
• Joint research activities and publications
• Student Training programmes
10 TIME 12/01/2024 To conduct aptitude training
11 TIME 09/02/2024 To conduct aptitude training
12 CSRBOX foundation 07/11/2024 As the partner for IBM SkillsBuild for both the programs-IBM SkillsBuild and IBM Academia
13 COZMEK Pvt. Ltd. 03/09/2024 For the conduct of ADD-ON course on Python & AI Basics
14 Emotional Well-Being Institute Geneva 02/12/2024 • To promote global education, well-being, professional development, and training for students, staff, and practitioners.
• To promote and implement academic and allied programs and initiatives that facilitate the enhancement of human life.


Sl.No. Industry Date Purpose
1 THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN AFRICA (CUEA) Nairobi, Kenya 20/04/2023 i) To Promote Catholic Identity in the Education Ministry of the Church
ii) To Promote global education and training opportunities for the students and staff of both educational institutions.
iii) To Promote academic exercises that facilitate the betterment of human life.
2 GoScholor Consultants 05/09/2023 Campus Placement Training for IMCA,MCA,& BCA students
3 Lumiere Academy of Financial Management LPP 06/03/2023 To implement and conduct various certification courses for their students
4 Manvish Info Solutions Pvt Ltd 09/06/2023 To conduct training class on Goods & Service Tax (GST) , equip the students with GST tax systems, conduct online exam by Tally & issue course certificate to successful students
5 Holy family High School,Angamaly 24/01/23 Subject to mutual consent, the areas of cooperation will include any programme offered at either institution as thought desirable and feasible on either side and that both sides will contribute to fostering and developing the cooperative relationship between the two institutions. Cooperation shall be carried out through such activities as: a. Joint research activities and publications b. Students Training programmes c. Activities for the overall development of students
6 Naipunnya Institute of Management and Information Technology, Pongam, Kerala. 18/08/2023 Subject to mutual consent, the areas of cooperation will include any programme offered at either institution as thought desirable and feasible on either side and that both sides will contribute to the fostering and development of the cooperative relationship between the two institutions. Cooperation shall be carried out through such activities as: a. Exchange of Faculty b. Exchange of students c. Joint research activities and publications d. Student Training programmes
7 International Skill Development 26/09/2023 • Twinning programmes,joint degree and duel degrees
• Overseas higher study options for DiST graduates
• Articulation agreement/Credit exchange
• Summer schools
• Semester exchange programs
• Faculty development programs
• Faculty and student exchanges
• Joint research collaborations
• Short term master classes for DiST graduates
• International conferences & seminars/events
8 Naipunnya Institute of Management and Information Technology, Pongam, Kerala. 06/10/2023 Subject to mutual consent, the areas of cooperation will include any programme offered at either institution as thought desirable and feasible on either side and that both sides will contribute to the fostering and development of the cooperative relationship between the two institutions. Cooperation shall be carried out through such activities as:
a. Exchange of Faculty
b. Exchange of students
c. Joint research activities and publications
d. Student Training programmes
e. Councelling services
f. Activities that are relevant and agreable to both the institutions
9 Network academy 18/08/2023 • To bridge industry institutional interaction
• To promote the employability skills of the students by providing trining support for the students and to meet the industrial needs
• To provide in-campus training and certification on Foreign and Financial accounting
10 Unison Consultancy Private Limited Kakkanad, Ernakulam, Kerala 15/11/2023 a. To effectively share the facilities and expertise for improving the capabilities for advanced education and research.
b. To facilitate academic and research interactions among employees of both Institutes.
c. Increase the relevance of the academic research and consultancy in the research and product development initiatives.
d. Collaborate to share and exchange information between both parties for mutual benefit and knowledge enhancement.
e. To enable the use of laboratories/computer labs and test facilities on a preferential basis and concessional rate by Unison Consultancy and vice versa.
f. To provide opportunity for students from undergraduate, graduate, and research scholars to undertake industrial training and projects in Unison Consultancy for mutual benefit.
g. To encourage the training of employees of De Paul Institute of Science & Technology and Unison Consultancy in Continuing Education activities, Skill development activities and Subject up gradation workshops using the facilities of De Paul Institute of Science & Technology and Unison Consultancy.
h. To provide expert faculty from De Paul Institute of Science & Technology and Unison Consultancy for academic and training programmes of De Paul Institute of Science & Technology and vice versa.
i. To conduct joint/collaborate research and consultancy
11 VERANDA LEARNING SOLUTIONS LIMITED 05/10/2023 Create a supportive and inclusive community known as “Veranda Clubs” where members can collaborate and learn from one another with the right guidance from the experts
12 Cozmek Pvt Ltd 08/08/2023 For the conduct of Add-On course on Artificial Intelligence Basics
13 Bhratmatha College of Art and Science 27/01/2023 Conduct of soft skill training
14 Careerfit 360 Pvt Ltd 09/01/2023 To conduct placement training to B.Com final year students
15 Girnarsoft Education Services Pvt. Ltd 11/04/2023 To advertise the courses and counsel the Applicants/Students to join the courses available
16 Fortune institute of technology 27/01/2023 For the conduct of main project
17 University of Nairobi 17/08/2023 To express general interest in promoting and developing scientific and educational corporation between the institutions
18 Time 14/06/2023 For the conduct of KMAT coaching
19 Time 09/01/2023 For the conduct of aptitude training