Computer Lab

Three well-designed computer labs are operational for students of different departments, run by a well-educated and qualified faculty, with one-on-one access, which means there is one computer for each student. All the labs are fully functional and air conditioned. The labs include projection capabilities with the faculty system. All Labs are well maintained and well equipped with latest model system. All the labs are inter connected. Student’s and Staffs data are stored in the 24 * 7 live Storage Servers. So the users can access the anywhere in the Campus. Labs are supported with UPS Power backup. Two system administrators and four lab instructors are available for the smooth and well-functioning of the systems and day today activities of the lab. The systems are mainly using Linux Operating System and also use Windows. The multimedia lab consists of graphical supportive systems as they are used by the multimedia and animation students.

Rules and Regulations

  • Enter your initials in the register maintained in the lab.
  • Maintain punctuality and strict attendance.
  • Ensure perfect silence and keep the place clean and tidy.
  • Use the specific system allotted for you during the scheduled lab hours.
  • Students are not permitted to sit in the lab during lecture session without the permission from the department.
  • Any doubts inside the lab are to be clarified with the faculty and lab-Staff.
  • Users can copy the files from and to the lab with permission. Use only the system allotted for copying. Make sure the media is virus free.
  • Complaints if any can be brought to the notice of the lab-staff for immediate action.